Podobný Filmy
Dawn of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead7.49 1978 HD
Úsvit mŕtvych
Úsvit mŕtvych7.06 2004 HD
Skupina preživších sa uchýli do nákupného centra po tom, čo svet ovládnu agresívne zombie,...
Limbo5.50 2019 HD
Nenávisť5.90 2004 HD
Mladá americká študentka Karen Davis (Sarah Michelle Gellar) prichádza do Tokia za svojím priateľom....
Smrtiaca nenavist
Smrtiaca nenavist5.50 2006 HD
Ked niekto zomrie v zachvate zlosti, zostane po nom tien, ktory sa postupne siri na dalsie obete a neda im spat, pokym ich nedozene k sialenstvu...
The Most Dangerous Game
The Most Dangerous Game6.90 1932 HD
Dom pri jazere
Dom pri jazere7.00 2006 HD
Kate Forsterová žila sama v odľahlom dome zo skla. Presťahovala sa však do Chicaga. Je uprostred veľkomesta, ale opäť sama....
Vanilkové nebo
Vanilkové nebo6.81 2001 HD
Mladý newyorský nakladateľ a vyhlásený sukničkár David Aames si vie užívať. Prečo nie, keď je to...
Exvallis1 1970 HD
The Oval Portrait
The Oval Portrait1 1934 HD
Odporúčanie Filmy
Pekelník6.90 1987 HD
Kocka. Každému ide iba o kocku. Hlavolam, ktorého rozlúštenie prináša rozkoš, akú na Zemi...
Vlkolak - Nočný lovec
Vlkolak - Nočný lovec6.99 2022 HD
On a dark and somber night, a secret cabal of monster hunters emerge from the shadows and gather at the foreboding Bloodstone Temple following the...
Lady in White
Lady in White6.10 1988 HD
Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ghost of a young girl and the man who murdered her years ago. Shortly...
Who Can Kill a Child?
Who Can Kill a Child?7.00 1976 HD
A couple of English tourists arrive at the island of Almanzora, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, where they discover that there are no adults in...
2001 Maniakov
2001 Maniakov5.40 2005 HD
Občania malého mestečka Pleasant Valley nalákajú niekoľko mladých turistov do mesta na oslavu stého...
Voskové múzeum
Voskové múzeum6.10 1988 HD
Wealthy slacker college student Mark, his new girlfriend Sarah, and their friends are invited to a special showing at a mysterious wax museum which...
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread7.70 2006 HD
Welcome to the world of industrial food production and high-tech farming! To the rhythm of conveyor belts and immense machines, the film looks...
Cemetery of Terror
Cemetery of Terror6.40 1985 HD
On Halloween night, a group of bored teens decide to steal a corpse from the local morgue and take it to a nearby cemetery where they perform a...
Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way
Bill Burr: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way7.64 2014 HD
Fresh, unflinching and devastatingly honest, Bill Burr lets loose in this feature length comedy special. Burr shares his essential tips for surviving...
Mutation on Mars
Mutation on Mars6.70 2021 HD
In the near future, the Earth’s resources are gradually getting scarce. In order to continue the hope of survival for generations of children...