Podobný Filmy
An Annapolis Story
An Annapolis Story3.30 1955 HD
Wilbur begår selvmord
Wilbur begår selvmord6.60 2002 HD
Hotel Rwanda
Hotel Rwanda7.70 2004 HD
Píše sa rok 1993, v Rwande vypukla kmeňová vojna medzi Hutu a Tutsiami. Celý svet na čele s OSN fatálne zlyhal a...
Volver7.47 2006 HD
Volver znamená "vrátiť sa" - a Pedro Almodóvar sa vo svojom novom filme vracia do krajiny svojho detstva, La Mancha. Je to...
Na východ od raja
Na východ od raja7.50 1955 HD
Dvojčatá Carl a Aron žijú spolu so svojím pevne veriacim otcom. Zatiaľ čo poslušný Aron s otcom...
Rebecca7.89 1940 HD
Príbeh o žene, ktorá sa zamiluje do bohatého, ovdovelého obchodníka, vydá sa za neho a odíte s...
Duch7.22 1990 HD
Úspešný bankár Sam Wheat žije spokojne v New Yorku so svojou priateľkou Molly a majú krátko pred svadbou....
Kráľ komédie
Kráľ komédie7.80 1982 HD
Estrádny komik a bavič Robert Pupkin je presvedčený, že sa môže stať hviezdou. Vlastne, on sa ňou práve teraz stal,...
Das weisse Rauschen
Das weisse Rauschen6.90 2001 HD
Kadiaľ tečie rieka
Kadiaľ tečie rieka7.00 1992 HD
V magickom prostredí lesov a potokov Montany vyrastajú dvaja odlišný bratia pod prísnou výchovou svojho...
Odporúčanie Filmy
Leaving6.10 2009 HD
A bourgeois housewife, planning to go back to work as a physiotherapist after having devoted 20 years to her husband and two children, has her...
The Pillow Book
The Pillow Book6.40 1995 HD
A woman with a body writing fetish seeks to find a combined lover and calligrapher.
Whatever Lola wants
Whatever Lola wants6.30 2007 HD
A Brooklyn postal worker follows her Egyptian boyfriend to Cairo where she takes belly-dancing lessons from a legendary but disgraced Egyptian dancer.
Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby6.89 2002 HD
Jedna z nejoblíbenějších postav z klasických románů Charlese Dickense znovu ožívá v...
The Shrink Is In
The Shrink Is In5.00 2001 HD
A young woman impersonates a shrink to win over her Prince Charming.
Gerry6.00 2002 HD
Two friends named Gerry become lost in the desert after taking a wrong turn. Their attempts to find their way home only lead them into further...
The Man Who Copied
The Man Who Copied7.51 2003 HD
André, 19, lives in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and works as a photocopier operator. He likes to see his neighbor Sílvia with a pair of...
Lorenzo's Oil
Lorenzo's Oil7.09 1992 HD
Augusto and Michaela Odone are dealt a cruel blow by fate when their five-year-old son Lorenzo is diagnosed with a rare and incurable disease. But...
The Cove
The Cove7.93 2009 HD
The Cove tells the amazing true story of how an elite team of individuals, films makers and free divers embarked on a covert mission to penetrate the...
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life7.50 2008 HD
A sprawling drama centered on five key days in a family's life.